Live performance with Violinist Shem Guibbory, Pianist tba
- Duration 60 minutes; 90 minutes with screening of short films and/or discussion
- Sueños de Chambi, composed by Gabriela Lena Frank, are 7 musical “illustrations” of photographs taken by Peruvian Indian Martin Chambi. Duration: 24 minutes.
- The Shostakovich Violin Sonata was written in honor of Russian violinist David Oistrakh’s 60th birthday. Duration: 30 minutes.
- Chambi’s Rembrandt-like images capture the spirit, traditions and culture of the indigenous peoples of the Andes at the turn of the 20th Century. (Composer Gabriela Lena Frank herself is descended from Peruvian Indian ancestry through her mother).
- Shostakovich writes a musical “life history” of their terrifying navigation through the mine-fields of Soviet life under Stalin and other Soviet dictators. It was the second-to-last composition of his life.
- The CD Voice of the People has a third work, Cuatro Canciones Andinas (duration 16 minutes) The Canciones are settings of 4 poems by Peruvian Indian writer José Maria Arguedas, a proponent of mestizajé (mixed race culture). Writing in both the Quechua language and Spanish, the language of the dominant rulers, the songs are sung in Spanish.